Saturday, February 8, 2014

Posing this spÃÆ

For tactical reasons, Norway vÃÆ'Ã, | been in the vanguard of the report of à à "š à <Å" Lessons Learnt Commissionà à "š à " ž à "šÃ, (LLRC) pÃÆ'Ã, Sri Lanka, factor co2 for ÃÆ'Ã, confuse and tÃÆ'Ã, kelegge Norway katastrofaleà "šÃ, à à " š à <Å "fredstilretteleggerà à " š à "ž role (2002-2009) pÃÆ'Ã, Sri Lanka. à "šÃ, title pÃÆ'Ã, this evaluation Pawns of Peace is unsuitable for ÃÆ'Ã, convince many except maybe some naive Norwegians.
The strange thing with this report ('Pawnsà à "š Ã, |') is that most Norwegians were unaware of its existence. It has not been mentioned or written about this in the normal media, which is svÃÆ'Ã, | very unusual!
We remember when the terrorist friendly SLMM was pÃÆ'Ã, its operational best, as it was enough that a Jaffna Tamil dropped a fish and it was reported on this in the Norwegian media. factor co2 Would they have us ÃÆ'Ã, believe that this report was without content or substance and thus no interest in ordinary Norwegians. Was this report solely for internal consumption pÃÆ'Ã, factor co2 Sri Lanka? In other words, why the Norwegians kept completely in mÃÆ'Ã, rket the Foreign Ministry's grandiose achievements, as utfÃÆ'Ã, res pÃÆ'Ã, behalf of these Norwegians and while this ministry spend billions of their money!
Previously, assault, murder, war crimes and discrimination of Jaffna Tamils utfÃÆ'Ã, rt of the Sinhalese majority vÃÆ'Ã, | rt overstated presented factor co2 by Norwegian media. NÃÆ'Ã, has vÃÆ'Ã, | rt nÃÆ'Ã, | nearest to a total information blackout, factor co2 - on a mission successful factor co2 fullfÃÆ'Ã, factor co2 rt of a Buddhist 'sjÃÆ'Ã, vinistisk' nation.
Lankan development toward ÃÆ'Ã, financially prosperity, devoid factor co2 of bombs, killings and confrontations since the Catholic LTTE terrorists were exterminated, the vÃÆ'Ã, | rt complete fravÃÆ'Ã, | rendering in Norwegian media. This has vÃÆ'Ã, | rt weird for everyone. Indeed UD come up with a new game plan?
Contrary to the media blackout in Norway factor co2 was nÃÆ'Ã, | nearest to blow-out in Sri Lanka on this report Pawns à à "š Ã, |. Several articles analyze, assess, dismantle and criticizes' Lessons in local media.
PÃÆ'Ã, factor co2 spite of the strange 'Uncle Tom' attitude, it was not stated factor co2 anything positive about à "šÃ," Pawns à à "š Ã, |. Ã" šÃ, "Foreign Ministry. It seems as if it has ÃÆ'Ã, opened another can of worms. Lankan media has had a lot of accusations, crimes, bias and HRH financing of terrorism
In fact, ask the nÃÆ'Ã, Important spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, look, what was Norway's real and true agenda in Sri Lanka? The answer is difficult for most people, and commentators are nÃÆ'Ã, eager ÃÆ'Ã, fÃÆ'à , a proper answer pÃÆ'Ã, this spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, look!
Posing this spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, look at this historic ÃÆ'Ã, moments was uncanny. Yet this' central 'gÃÆ'Ã, tea ÃÆ'Ã, chasing factor co2 a shadow, sniffing pÃÆ'Ã, Lankans' bum. I remember then India 's representative in Oslo (1998 to 2002), later lankesiske hÃÆ'Ã, factor co2 ykommissÃÆ'Ã, | r and still later India Permanent Representative to the UN, Nirpum Sen, posing this fundamental spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'  look for me in Oslo. My answer did not impress him, for I ogsÃÆ'Ã, was clutching at straws smooth factor co2 pÃÆ'Ã, that point of time!
Norway ignoring such accusations in general. 'Managers' was convinced of the power of his mighty lion, and knew they had muscles, not just ÃÆ'Ã, bury such spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, dish, but maybe ogsÃÆ'Ã, bury undersÃƒÆ ' sumers!
SÃÆ'Ã, long as such spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, dish not arouse factor co2 suspicion in the average Norwegian, do you not care. Remember factor co2 they were not bothered! Soon this important spÃÆ'Ã, rsmÃÆ'Ã, look be raised factor co2 by bÃÆ'Ã, the Lankans and Norwegians, and they will struggle ÃÆ'Ã, find an answer. A clarification will vÃÆ'Ã, | be a great advantage for other poor nations, for ÃÆ'Ã, unngÃÆ'à , ÃÆ'Ã, mÃÆ'Ã, eight repeat the trauma that Sri Lanka has vÃÆ'Ã, | been through!
The leader informs, among other things, 'It just recycle and spew up what is already known to us about Sri Lanka's failed peace process and tÃÆ'Ã, kelegger the main problems that fÃÆ'Ã, led to the serious errors.'
Ranjith was actually nÃÆ'Ã, | rt related to the peace process, and his closing arguments were appropriate: 'Norway mÃÆ'Ã, held responsible for strengthening LTTEÃ à "š à " ž s killing machine. While Norway forsÃÆ'Ã, ker ÃÆ'Ã, wash their hands at ÃÆ'Ã, browse some problems, the Sri Lankan government and her people's duty ÃÆ'Ã, undersÃÆ'Ã, ke and record all facts and ignore the no. The real role played by Norway bÃÆ'Ã, engineer vÃÆ'Ã, | re a chapter factor co2 in vÃÆ'Ã, re historiebÃÆ'Ã, ker so that the nation will never allow themselves ÃÆ'Ã,

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