Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reminder: EASA certified standard CS-P helices request only apply a force equal to 2 times the maxi

Tests required to centrifugal force are very important tests to define the mechanical behavior of propellers. The E-Propellers Props team has just completed a centrifugal force test campaign of a hub and blade carbon together. A traction bench instrumented hc ppm 40 tons was used for these tests.
The tensile test was performed on a set of "hub + carbon blades Vorpaline S" previously tested for 1,000 hours on the bench fatigue (see fatigue tests). This test was conducted in four steps: - 1 / traction to 30,000 N (3 tons) for 1 hour. Control of the whole: RAS - 2 /: traction 60,000 N (6.1 tonnes) for 1 hour. Control of the whole: RAS -: 3 / traction hc ppm 94,000 N (9.6 tonnes) for 1 hour. Control of the whole: RAS - 4 /: pull up to 94,000 N (9.6 tons) and increased traction due to 4000 N per minute => out of the hub carbon load 108.000 N or 11 tonnes.
Reminder: EASA certified standard CS-P helices request only apply a force equal to 2 times the maximum centrifugal force calculated for 1 hour and then observe the hub and the blade that should not present permanent hc ppm deformations.
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