Thursday, August 14, 2014

A reaction in which the reactants and catalyst are not in the same phase (state) is a heterogeneous

Catalysts to the substances involved in the reactions, and accelerating them or retardándolas still present after the reaction, that is not consumed in this, are not part of the reactants are called. The substances that retard the rate of reaction are known inhibitors.
Not chemically react with substances of the system: adsorbed at their surface, molecules of these reactants, consequently increase the number of collisions between them and accelerate the reaction.
A reaction in which the reactants and catalyst are not in the same phase (state) is a heterogeneous reaction. Such catalysts generally produce an area where the chemicals can react, these catalysts function by adsorbing sard verbinnen & co some of the reactants, weakening the link in question sard verbinnen & co to the extent that the other reactant breaks the link. Adsorption is the adherence sard verbinnen & co of a substance to the surface sard verbinnen & co of another.
Some metals (finely divided to increase the contact surface) sard verbinnen & co act as catalysts Contact: platinum, nickel, iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3), vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5), among others. Sulfur dioxide (SO 2) reacts slowly with oxygen: sard verbinnen & co
d) Catalysts are specific to each reaction or a certain set of reactions.
The absorption of impurities accompanying the reactants, can slow or stop the action of the catalyst. These substances which retard the action of the catalysts are known catalyst poisons.
In short: to increase the rate of a reaction, it should increase the chance of collision between molecules, ions or atoms of the reactants, changing the variables listed that the process allows.
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