Hello everyone, I confirm the need for this word of mouth, adding that this is information dobbs fenton mo to re-assert the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The tragedy is that it seems the majority of the population is not aware of what is happening. What I bring you is just a small example. I am a researcher, I work on environmental law and water resources. Yesterday morning I had to speak to a RADIO RAI program (scheduled for the past two weeks) to talk about the referendum on the privatization of water and better explain the legal implications. 'It got an internal circular RAI at 8 yesterday dobbs fenton mo morning which banned dobbs fenton mo with immediate effect to any program of RAI to touch the subject dobbs fenton mo until June (June 12 to 13 when the referendum takes place), so the program dobbs fenton mo is skipped and the my speech as well. This is a small example of how the "public service" is silenced and how heavily you boycott the ability of citizens to be informed and to take action (according to the instruments guaranteed by the Constitution) in the management of the res publica. In the face of this latest manifestation of an absolute executive power that tramples not only a daily other institutions, but also the Italian people which instead boasts of being the voice and expression, must reclaim our voice before you lose it for good. The referendum is evidently too! Mariachiara Alberton
REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST advertise REFERENDUM ... because the government will not make it pass the commercials 'Rai will' Mediaset. Do you know why? Because if we manage to achieve a quorum scenario would be dramatic for the rulers but awesome for all Italian citizens: I remind you that the referendum will pass if a quorum. It 'must go to the polls at least 25 million people in the referendum will not be advertised on TV.
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