Friday, November 14, 2014

Magazines and News

1 to p. Newspapers - Today's Front Pages
Society of Journalists
My Sanzala
14 (8) October (1) August (1) July (3) May (1) April (1) February (1) 13 (29) December (3) October (3) September (2) July (3) June (1) May (2) April (1) March (4) February (4) June (6) 12 (101) December (9) November (4) April (9) September (11) August (10) July (14) June (7) May (13) April (10) February (4) January (10) 11 (105) December (11) November (21) October (2) September (6) August (12) July (6) June (3) May (13) April (3) March (10) February (6) January (12) 10 (74) December (5) November (4) October (2) September falls church water (4) August (2) July (3) June (3) May (6) April (2) March (10) February (20) January (13) 09 (213) December (13) November (35) A new Roman Empire Tolerance zero of whom against whom? - Ismael Mate ... Zero Tolerance reporters who interviewed ... UNITA presents a motion of censure on the Government's Teenage Pregnancy Rep ... a hidden tragedy in L ... Drought causes death of thousands falls church water of fish in the river's ... With the same amount of money bought a lot ... Law dried to less than 18 years. School and work ... Married falls church water women have more sexual fantasies or Brazilian ... read only one book a year, and points ... The Luanda stadium is called "11 de Novembro" Women march in bikini by Dictator record is only those in power for 32 years Exits the draw for the CAN 2010 Angola studies maritime boundaries to the north and Poverty generation without wings - Mario Cumandala The blog God and Brazil surpasses 1 million jobs Nito creates ... Alves and Antonio Dembo together maka Still on the transfer of capital ang ... Angolans are losing morals Thirty-four years later, no longer just a possib ... Chingo (Sumbe) disputed Sara Bullón does fill the Coqueiros stadium Brazilian higher education institution offering ... giving Angolan concert in motorsport crash kills 32 expelled from the Congo-Angola Kinsh ... Yoani Sanchez suffers kidnapping and is lightning strike ... UN declares July 18 as the International Day ... of Angola celebrates today 34 years of independence Open scholarship applications for the US False Lula da Silva gives an interview to Radio Nac ... The Police need to earn more to avoid Corru ... To reflect careful of courses greater than the distance of ... October (26) September (22) August (11) July (15) June (12) May (11) April (1) March (22) February falls church water ( 32) January (13) 08 (279) December (23) November (20) October (14) September falls church water (30) August (69) July (34) June (17) May ( 14) April (16) March (20) February (9) January (13) 07 (41) November December (1) (10) October falls church water (11) September (6) August ( 7) July (4) April (2)
Since mar.2007
The battle at Kruger
Magazines and News
The new stadium of Luanda, built to house the African Cup of Nations football is going to be called "Estádio 11 de Novembro" falls church water follows the Angolan weekly commentary: In normal stops, baptize a football stadium with the date independence of the country was the most normal thing. On this Africa outside the main stadiums are designated by the dates of their national independence. Among us, however, the attribution of the name of the new November 11 stadium in Luanda was received with profound relief .... The excessive time that the authorities of the country led to the designation to find the new stadium did fear the worst. What's worse is that the new sports stadium was given the name of the citizen José Eduardo falls church water dos Santos. Fortunately common sense won

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