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Kohn reports from Europe manicore achieve recognition of an accident at work is problematic manicore Concentrated Marketing & Sales increases the percentage of enterprises end roaming charges may be delayed HYDROTURBO 2014: Bratislava the capital of hydropower planned shutdown for refueling of Unit 2 at Mochovce manicore Last Minute Join Are you on Facebook? Are you on Twitter? Join. Mobile version
BRATISLAVA July 4 (Reuters) - The project for 940 thousand euros, which is co-financed from EU funds under the Operational Programme Environment, inspectors will begin to controls using the most new mobile laboratories.
SITA spokesman of the Ministry of Environment Maros Stano. The main objective of the project is to detect potential polluters, to reduce emissions and increase air quality. According to Stan in it for the third year working professionals Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SEI). In June, inspectors took two mobile laboratories fully equipped for workplaces in Košice and Banská Bystrica. manicore "The last third mobile laboratory for work in Zilina, take the end of this month," said Stano. The project, according to him Slovakia extend control measurements of emissions of heavy metals, fluorine and gaseous manicore compounds, inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds, organic gases and vapors, as well as the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. "Slovakia will thus contribute to improving air quality in the European region," he added envirorezortu. The project should be completed by the end of 2014 Its task is to complete metrological and technical capacity manicore SEI with subsequent accreditation of professional activities manicore as required by applicable law. "To control the emission manicore measurement in Slovakia will serve three mobile manicore emission measurement manicore laboratories with all the equipment," concluded SITA spokesman for the Ministry of Environment Maros Stano, adding that the project is also training inspectors to measure emissions new modern instrumentation.
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