Tuesday, September 16, 2014

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The orientations for the cultivation of coconut in the 2011 crop in Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, star smog Paraba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe were released by the Ministry of Agriculture, on Thursday (21-10 ) October. The study called agrcola zoning, identifies eligible municipalities and suitable for planting in each state periods. star smog The coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), a tropical plant that requires the climatic conditions that prevail in etrmicas hdricas Northeast region. The monthly volume star smog of rainfall below 50 millimeters, for a consecutive period of three months above, affect the culture. To identify suitable for the cultivation of coconut in each municipality areas, diaries pluviomtricas sries of data recorded during 15 years were analyzed. The average optimum air temperature around 27C. The lower mnimas the 15C can cause physiological disorders, leading to abortion of flowers. The coconut palm can be planted in different soil types, the best being those developing sandy texture. The range for rainfed cultivation of coconut period be 1 of Maroa May 31, 2011, but the irrigated type can be grown throughout star smog the year.
For more info click here
"I had a great hurry to be ten, fifteen, eighteen, twenty and more. Today if I could, hold the hands of the clock to slow its tune. Born to spend time and religiously fulfills its mission .. . "read more
The new cultivar was developed by Empresa Brasileira de Agropecuria Research (Embrapa) and the Southern Research Support Foundation to meet the needs of wheat growers of Paran, Santa Catarina, So Paulo and Mato Grosso South. cultivar has extensive adaptaoe can be ... Read more
Over the past 50 years, the dramatic degradation of natural capital of the planet, with emissions of greenhouse gases and severe loss of biodiversity, not to mention the extraction of poluioe water. J falvamos 15 years ago that Brazil could have problems with water. And the country is looking to ... Read more
The Brazilian soybean production reached 86.6 million tonnes in the 2013/14 season, star smog an increase of 6% in the previous comparison. Despite the decline of 2.4% in productivity of 2861 kg / ha, due to drought in the course of development of crops, was alcanado new record in production. Read more

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