Monday, November 25, 2013

This year there are thirteen Italian regions participating in the competition: Abruzzo, tradable po

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It's a little larger than a fist and weighs just one kilogram and a half, is composed tradable pollution permits of an intricate network tradable pollution permits of one hundred billion nerve cells and orchestra every aspect of our life, from thinking to perceptions, from learning to behavior: is the brain , the organ that more than any other defines who we are.
We are well aware that the boys will participate in the third edition of the Italian Olympic Neuroscience. It is a competition at three levels (local, regional and national) that tests students' knowledge of secondary school degree in the field of neuroscience.
This year there are thirteen Italian regions participating in the competition: Abruzzo, tradable pollution permits Calabria, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto. tradable pollution permits Like last year, also take part in the competition the students of the Italian language Slovenes and Croats living in Istria. tradable pollution permits
Among the fastest-growing scientific tradable pollution permits disciplines in the last decade, neuroscience now allow you to explore an unprecedented opportunity to prevent or treat diseases affecting the brain. These are among the most disabling diseases that affect humans as well as being the source of terrible suffering for the individuals tradable pollution permits who are affected, and have serious repercussions on the community.
To promote the dissemination of knowledge in this field, the Interdepartmental Centre for Neuroscience BRAIN, University of Tr

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