Monday, April 21, 2014

Novejša objava Starejša objava Domov

   Today i am home, because i'm sick, and it's not boring at all. I painted my nails (they turned out shit so i probably won't post any pics). But then I argued with my mom, i wasn't really nice to her. When i argue with my mom everytime catalizador i do, there is giant spider waiting on me in my room. And i hate spiders, they are just so disgusting  and some of them can even jump oround. However i covered this one with blue glass and called my bro Nik. He is so sweet, & he is not afraid of spiders. No-one in my familiy is just me.    I forgot to mention; my parents are divorcing. We argued about that.   Oh and there is this boy, he is super cute but i won't write his name. And yes half of the girls like him and they are all pretty and then ther is me . I know that some of old people think that i'm beautiful but let me tell you this. Everyday when i woke up, be4  i look myself in the mirror i'm just like; Nina you're pretty, you have to be pretty. And then i look and i'm just like oh you look good. And my mom everytime when she sees me she is like you're so pretty. And then i go to school.(I have to write that i have super nice new friends. Everyone thinks that we know eachother for ever). In school ther is so many nice girls with skinny catalizador legs and i'm just standing there and feeling ugly. In time i forget about that and i'm having a great time.   He doesn't know my name a nd we are not even talking. 
Novejša objava Starejša objava Domov

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