The laboratory led by the National Institute of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University smog wiki law Professor Fan Jiande, for the implementation of the National Science Council of the National Energy Technology plan type (NSC 100-3113-P-007-001), EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Management Office Research Program (EPA-100-F104-02-256) and the National Science Council of Science and Technology to integrate climate change adaptation research program (100-2621-M-008-007), such as the results. Professor Fan long-term concern of the international climate change issues, smog wiki and academic cooperation ITRI and other advisory groups, and has participated in the United Nations Climate smog wiki Change States Parties (UNFCCC) conference, set up a blog to provide this public issues advanced to communicate to you.
Fan was built within smog wiki the international climate change & development and legal Lab members focused on meeting a resolution [1], and mitigation actions smog wiki related issues can be divided into three, the most important part is that established by the General Assembly repeatedly stressed that the Kyoto Protocol The market mechanism smog wiki will, as usual, this meeting is not only a platform to further establish mitigation login and publish the details of the resolution and mode of operation of a new market mechanism in 2012, has been developed to assist the country to achieve its goal of slowing the following for Login and market mechanisms were discussed in doing, trying to find space in Taiwan can participate:
First, smog wiki there is the establishment of the platform on login. According to the resolution of the General Assembly, the General Assembly agreed to establish a flexible, smog wiki dynamic and showing network-like sign-on platform, detailed record of developing country mitigation actions, and provide assistance to their actions financial resolution paper with sign-on platform-related paragraphs have three, respectively, in 45 Resolution on the 51 segments. In paragraph 45 of the resolution referred to in the text, the Assembly decided to log level will have the following three principles [2]: First, login platform must develop into a dynamic, web-like, by a specialized smog wiki agency of the Secretariat of the General Assembly Management. Second, all participants can choose freely log on to the platform, and participant information smog wiki only after login will be logged. Third, since the sign-on platform smog wiki must reflect the comprehensive, diverse countries appropriate mitigation plan and the way their financial assistance, so the construction of the platform must login to use flexible smog wiki approach. The main task of further proposed paragraph 51 of resolution on sign-on platform [3]: Log in need of help participants through the platform to their needs, and to provide assistance to help the participants to register their projects to the platform, smog wiki log platform will provide the required mitigation actions seek help, seek cooperation of the international smog wiki financial assistance. smog wiki
Taiwan's point of view, have a good one or bad. The downside is that Taiwan has always been that China is still a non-party to the Convention, even if the convention adopted new registration platform, China is still a developing country can not be related to the identity of the registration requirement to the Secretariat of the Convention, developed countries to seek funding and technical assistance. But still there is a new development smog wiki for our convention can actively participate, Recalling the resolution in paragraph 48 [4], convention welcome addition to the developing countries, the ability of an entity (entity) or registered with the Secretariat of the International Fund can provide development countries to assist matters. To the development smog wiki of green energy technology point of view, has been playing the role of technology-exporting countries [5], although smog wiki the measurement of GDP, far less than the development of an annex in the country, unfortunately not in developing countries obtain the assistance of international funds, but this convention is still developing green energy related industries provide Taiwan with an opportunity for development, open stage a Taiwanese industry can directly participate in the international energy-saving technology to relieve the plight of manufacturers chronic lack of direct participation in the international arena . Therefore, our government should smog wiki meet as soon as the project outlined in paragraph 48 of the Convention, to assist the domestic industry to make a list of the Secretariat to register, take the opportunity to the development of China's renewable energy industry.
Secondly, there is the Convention on the General Assembly has repeatedly emphasized that the market mechanism will run ever, described as the carbon trading market back to life. We observed smog wiki that the EU announced during the General Assembly went: Since January onwards tomorrow, Europe will disregard most of the world's airline industry opposition (including Taiwan, China Airlines and EVA two international routes industry), the global flight through the European airline industry included in the ETS trading system smog wiki that requires airlines to make before the end of 2011 to provide a list of carbon emissions. First, whether to join the EU ETS aviation businesses mandatory trading system is a violation of Bali Road Map and other principles of international law. Early in this General Assembly was held in front, ETS carbon trading market is not only affected by the European debt crisis, and carbon trading system is able to maintain in the General Assembly and other unpredictable smog wiki factors, the carbon price has been dropping to a new low price history [6] .
However, the last General Assembly adopted a conditional style extension of the Kyoto Protocol, no doubt ensure smog wiki continuity in the carbon market under the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, observed during the General Assembly had declared a non-EU airline industry body Control Section of the Kyoto Protocol must be added to next year's development trajectory of ETS. With our scholars have suggested that the two airlines should be forced to face the way to join the carbon trading market, you can also give other domestic desire to participate in international carbon smog wiki trading system and learn from some of the industry as a guide to future participation in the carbon trading market. Currently finishing domestic scholars view as follows [8]: 1. Establish a quasi-emissions trading or related mechanisms (refer to Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom's practice). There are exemptions in the EU ETS: "If other governments have similar smog wiki practices, and the resulting imposition of duplication, smog wiki you can enjoy some degree of immunity." Therefore, if the establishment of similar mechanisms related, you can enjoy quite immunities , provided that appropriate consideration to the impact of domestic and international airlines operating and development situation. 2. The practice of the United Kingdom and other advanced countries, the government encourages enterprises to pay attention to environmental smog wiki protection or limit corporate carbon footprint (Carbon footprint). 3. To promote the return of passenger Voluntary Carbon Project (PassengerVolunteer Offset smog wiki Program). Because the carbon smog wiki tax and the cost of buying carbon smog wiki credits can be transferred tax system a, final payment subject to this cost can select the operation with the travelers. Therefore, in this stage the airline, began to promote the return of passenger voluntary carbon plan, this only allows the transfer cost airlines are familiar with the practices, and also at the same time allow airlines to calculate the reasonable cost of carbon emissions, smog wiki creating new markets niche. [National Energy Program and the Office of EPA scientists and temperature minus sponsor] smog wiki (100-3113-P-007-001)
[2] See Draft decision [- / CP.17], outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (Advance unedited version) paragraph 45, available at /files/meetings/durban_nov_2011/decisions/application/pdf/cop17_lcaoutcome.pdf (last visit 2011/12/12)
[3] See Draft decision [- / CP.17], o utcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (Advance unedited version) smog wiki paragraph 51, available at http: // unfccc. int / files / meetings smog wiki / durban_nov_2011 / decisions smog wiki / application / pdf / cop17_lcaoutcome.pdf (last visit 2011/12/12)
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Fan teacher's classroom climate change has been the subject of climate smog wiki change in the world is going to face together, sea level rise, extreme weather events smog wiki continue to occur, it will force the international community to more actively confronted this matter. And as part of us, and more the importance of this matter relates to the survival of the planet, this blog will provide the latest news of the United Nations Climate Change organized by the National Tsing Hua University Division and law research team collected information and Comment Editor, welcome everyone's concern about this issue, to participate, along with wanting to help the Earth. Have any questions and exchanges are welcome to send a letter to View my complete profile
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