Operating the computerized national registry fluorinated gases - CNA Treviso
CNA Home The Association The association ar atmosferico positions commandments Constitution and Code of Ethics Company and related entities Why join SERVICES CAF - Help Center Tax Credit and Financing Conventions Epasa - Retirement and Tax Assistance Business ar atmosferico and Personal Training Marketing & Communications for SMEs and craft enterprises Quality corporate networks of Companies - Sworn Safety, Environment, Energy ATM "Create Enterprise" Energy Desk Entrepreneurs in crisis - All initiatives UNIONS Food CNA CNA CNA Wellness and Health Communication and Residential Construction CNA CNA Fita Truck Federmoda CNA CNA CNA systems Installation and Production CNA Community Services RETIRED WOMAN BUSINESS DOCUMENTATION Just sucidi ar atmosferico for crisis! Telling the hope Laws and employment contracts Circular Forms Press Schedule Pay Tables regulatory Suspension Special CONTACTS
With the February 11, 2013 became operational on the National Register Telematic F-Gas that the Veneto is based at the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Venice and take the 'compulsory training ar atmosferico for those involved in the recovery of fluorinated gases from air conditioning air of motor vehicles (up to 9 seats including the driver and up to 1305 kg of MC for freight account).
The electronic registration to the registry and the frequency of an 8-hour training course taught by a certified body (for us Brain Bee with whom we have entered into an agreement) must be submitted by 12/04/2013, that date which shall not be longer possible to operate in the field. The registration must be done before the start of the course, the end of which will be issued a certificate of attendance on the part of the attestation (Brain Bee) that will communicate to the bodies in charge of compulsory education.
Those who wish to enroll in the training course, please fill in the form attached and return it by fax to the number 18/03/2013. 0422/315666 or e-mail to info.treviso @ cna.it, together with a copy of the bank certifying the payment (to be made payable to CNA Training Srl: IBAN IT85E0572812000178570863981). The course fee for members CNA is 250.00 + VAT (302.50 Tot) The course fee for non-members ar atmosferico CNA is 300.00 + VAT (363.00 Tot) For the first 10 accessions of companies EBAV slopes, you can get a refund of about 145,00 Euro.
For those who have needs, we inform you that the headquarters offices of district prisons of the CNA are able to provide all the necessary support for the National Register of Telematic F-Gas, for those who wish to join in autonomy, finds all the operational guidance on the site http://www.fgas.it.
Fusion Ormeau-San ar atmosferico Polo, Vianello: "We must look to the future Consolidate and develop your enterprise with the Business ar atmosferico Plan municipalities, Full support of the CNA to unions and mergers: "Change we must" Electrolux: ar atmosferico Company-Reports inalienable territory between the bank and enterprise. ar atmosferico Three meetings on 7, 21 and 28 in Treviso Chamber of Commerce, Environment and Safety ar atmosferico Bureaucracy Circular CAF CNA CNA CNA Asolo, Castelfranco Conegliano CNA CNA CNA CNA Woman Entrepreneur Montebelluna National ar atmosferico Retired CNA CNA CNA Oderzo Treviso Provincial CNA CNA CNA Veneto ar atmosferico Vittorio Veneto consortia Canova Credit From newspapers by the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Construction Training Events ar atmosferico Fisco Legality Featured Companies NETWORK Italy Uncategorized Special ATM EBAV Stories Craft Unions Follow us on Facebook
Chamber of Deputies Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Asolo CNA CNA CNA Impresasensibile Castelfranco Epasa CNA CNA CNA Montebelluna National CNA Veneto Italian government ISB in Europe Presidency of the Republic Racket Province of Treviso and the Veneto Region Wear Senate
The Association The association positions Why join commandments Company and related entities Charter and Code of Ethics of Treviso provincial CNA Avenue of the Republic 154-31100 Treviso tel: 0422.3155 - Fax: 0422.315666 - Email: treviso@cna.it CF 94004630268 - All rights reserved - Privacy policy Powered by CNA Computer
CNA Home The Association The association ar atmosferico positions commandments Constitution and Code of Ethics Company and related entities Why join SERVICES CAF - Help Center Tax Credit and Financing Conventions Epasa - Retirement and Tax Assistance Business ar atmosferico and Personal Training Marketing & Communications for SMEs and craft enterprises Quality corporate networks of Companies - Sworn Safety, Environment, Energy ATM "Create Enterprise" Energy Desk Entrepreneurs in crisis - All initiatives UNIONS Food CNA CNA CNA Wellness and Health Communication and Residential Construction CNA CNA Fita Truck Federmoda CNA CNA CNA systems Installation and Production CNA Community Services RETIRED WOMAN BUSINESS DOCUMENTATION Just sucidi ar atmosferico for crisis! Telling the hope Laws and employment contracts Circular Forms Press Schedule Pay Tables regulatory Suspension Special CONTACTS
With the February 11, 2013 became operational on the National Register Telematic F-Gas that the Veneto is based at the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Venice and take the 'compulsory training ar atmosferico for those involved in the recovery of fluorinated gases from air conditioning air of motor vehicles (up to 9 seats including the driver and up to 1305 kg of MC for freight account).
The electronic registration to the registry and the frequency of an 8-hour training course taught by a certified body (for us Brain Bee with whom we have entered into an agreement) must be submitted by 12/04/2013, that date which shall not be longer possible to operate in the field. The registration must be done before the start of the course, the end of which will be issued a certificate of attendance on the part of the attestation (Brain Bee) that will communicate to the bodies in charge of compulsory education.
Those who wish to enroll in the training course, please fill in the form attached and return it by fax to the number 18/03/2013. 0422/315666 or e-mail to info.treviso @ cna.it, together with a copy of the bank certifying the payment (to be made payable to CNA Training Srl: IBAN IT85E0572812000178570863981). The course fee for members CNA is 250.00 + VAT (302.50 Tot) The course fee for non-members ar atmosferico CNA is 300.00 + VAT (363.00 Tot) For the first 10 accessions of companies EBAV slopes, you can get a refund of about 145,00 Euro.
For those who have needs, we inform you that the headquarters offices of district prisons of the CNA are able to provide all the necessary support for the National Register of Telematic F-Gas, for those who wish to join in autonomy, finds all the operational guidance on the site http://www.fgas.it.
Fusion Ormeau-San ar atmosferico Polo, Vianello: "We must look to the future Consolidate and develop your enterprise with the Business ar atmosferico Plan municipalities, Full support of the CNA to unions and mergers: "Change we must" Electrolux: ar atmosferico Company-Reports inalienable territory between the bank and enterprise. ar atmosferico Three meetings on 7, 21 and 28 in Treviso Chamber of Commerce, Environment and Safety ar atmosferico Bureaucracy Circular CAF CNA CNA CNA Asolo, Castelfranco Conegliano CNA CNA CNA CNA Woman Entrepreneur Montebelluna National ar atmosferico Retired CNA CNA CNA Oderzo Treviso Provincial CNA CNA CNA Veneto ar atmosferico Vittorio Veneto consortia Canova Credit From newspapers by the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Construction Training Events ar atmosferico Fisco Legality Featured Companies NETWORK Italy Uncategorized Special ATM EBAV Stories Craft Unions Follow us on Facebook
Chamber of Deputies Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Asolo CNA CNA CNA Impresasensibile Castelfranco Epasa CNA CNA CNA Montebelluna National CNA Veneto Italian government ISB in Europe Presidency of the Republic Racket Province of Treviso and the Veneto Region Wear Senate
The Association The association positions Why join commandments Company and related entities Charter and Code of Ethics of Treviso provincial CNA Avenue of the Republic 154-31100 Treviso tel: 0422.3155 - Fax: 0422.315666 - Email: treviso@cna.it CF 94004630268 - All rights reserved - Privacy policy Powered by CNA Computer
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