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VIENNA, 25 April 2012 (tlacovasprava.sk) - Xella, gcaf the leader in thermal insulation design, the architects decided to prepare for the region of Central Europe daunting challenge. They propose future house, which is synonymous with aesthetic, energy and economic perfection. The winning design will get his real form directly in Vienna. The public will be able to look at there house, built of YTONG building system, the corresponding European legislation on energy performance of buildings. The new Directive will enter into force by 2021 and identify new trend in building construction: will be able to build only energy-efficient homes and apartments.
A unique project in the five countries of Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia) has to bring the House to be synonymous with aesthetic, energy and economic perfection. May be involvement of the Slovak architects and civil engineers.
A prestigious international jury will select the best architectural designs, the winning design company would like to implement Xella YTONG brand in Europe's biggest complex model home Blaue Lagune in Vienna. The result should be a two-storey house for 4 people, which is exceptional for its zero or nearly zero-energy gcaf buildings. The proposal is to be used for natural and recyclable building materials by the latest technology, the welcome is also smart house system for possible "facility management", controlled by PC or Smartphone.
Blaue Lagune is the largest European range of model homes with an area of 74 000 m2, which is located about 85 homes from hundreds of different suppliers. Not far of the Austrian capital he visited around 200,000 people a year - a third of them coming from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia.
Competition for architects will run from 16 April and the winning project will be known to the public in late summer. For more information on this unique initiative to learn the http://www.ytong.sk/zerochallenge. Information concerning the center Blaue Lagune and opening hours, visit http://www.blauelagune.at/home/.
Brand YTONG boasts a remarkable history, its power and success gcaf is related to a long tradition starting in similarly innovative technologies. Product development YTONG is associated with post-war lack of resources for heating in Sweden. YTONG became the first brand to allow ordinary people to build extremely efficient homes. It offers a heated implement, but saving home care and superior service. gcaf
YTONG is white tile, which is made of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside contains millions of air pockets, which also gave its name: aerated concrete. It was first industrially manufactured before more than 80 years ago in South Swedish town Yxhultu. The brand was officially registered in 1940, but in 1923, mixed very dr. Axel Erikson basis for the industrial production of autoclaved aerated concrete. Brand name is derived from the production and technology gcaf title: Yxhult + Gasbetong = YTONG
YTONG became the first registered trademark of construction materials, which has established itself worldwide and permanently changed the build. This system improved the precision of smooth blocks thermal insulation by 20%, accelerated the process of becoming and reduce construction costs. Since 1960, the market is a direct smooth concrete blocks, which can be joined by thin-layer gcaf masonry mortar into almost seamless wall.
Today is a brand YTONG one of the strongest on the market of building gcaf materials and a synonym for porous concrete. It is aptly known as the home of Y, as well as by significant rising of yellow gcaf company logo and packaging films, which are packed into blocks YTONG. This extensive range of products is possible today to build a house from the basement to the roof completely out of porous concrete.
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Gabriel Kocák - the only Slovak chef at Kempinski network - found himself in a cooking school (PHOTO)
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