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ROVIGNO - For the second consecutive year the students of the Italian Schools of Croatia and Slovenia were compared in the first phase "regional" Olympics of the Italian Neuroscience at the University of Trieste. The primary objective of these Olympics is to encourage the spread of this interdisciplinary subject that encompasses biology, chemistry, psychology and anatomy to analyze the understanding of the mechanisms governing the control of nervous reactions and behavior of the brain. The Olympics are part of the Italian "International Brain Bee Competition", a highly competitive race that tests knowledge in the field of neuroscience 22044 for students of secondary schools 22044 (13 to 19) from around the world. On March 6, the pupils of the High School of Rovinj 22044 Italian 22044 have obtained the best results among the schools of the Italian National Community with 5 ranked in the top 6 places. Like last year, the first place was reconfirmed Andrea Maurovic, student of the fourth high school math, followed by Rebecca Pellizzer the fourth high school language, Goddess Lordanic the third high school general and Euphemia Barzelatto, the fourth high school math, and finally Ante Frnjolic, the third high school mathematician, who finished 22044 in sixth place. The top three winners will participate in the national selections 22044 that will take place next March 31 in the prestigious International Centre for Theoretical Physics "Abdus Salam" in Trieste. Andrea Maurovic explained that this year's regional competition has been easier 22044 thanks to the experience gained last year, which allowed him to focus the study on the most relevant topics. "I will try to commit myself to the maximum to get a result is also important to the national competitions - added Andrea - given that the top 5 will have the right to represent Italy at '" International Brain Bee Competition "which is planned for the month of July in Cape Town, South Africa. " The teacher and school psychologist Zovich 22044 Tiziana, who prepared the students for the regional competitions, pointed out that the national need for more in-depth study of neuroscience, with the use of teaching materials of higher education and that in the next month s' strive to the best of their abilities to prepare the boys to get the best result possible. The boys have added that the study of neuroscience is truly fascinating, especially the part that exposes the various degenerative diseases of the brain and the effects 22044 that drugs can have on the normal functioning of cognitive activities.
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