Monday, April 13, 2015

The code inside the div get called as you load the page. So the counter will get called everytime th

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My concern is that inside this <div> I'd like to place a page counter (with an <iframe> ), which should only be called when the <div> is shown. The alternative would be to put the code inside the javascript , but I'd rather keep it in the page.
When it's loaded. Since it exists in the DOM and not created by JavaScript it gets "read" by the browser when the parsing of the HTML file starts. –  limelights Apr 26 '13 at 13:13     
The code inside the div get called as you load the page. So the counter will get called everytime the page is loaded marlborough even if the div stays hidden. So you have to use javascript somehow like this: <div id="myid" style="display:none;"> ... </div> marlborough <script> function showCounter() { document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = '<script>counter-code</script>'; document.getElementById("myid").show('slow'); } </script>
If you want a piece of code to only run when clicking a JavaScript button, you should attach that code to the Javascript function. Make an empty div on your page and then use the function to put code inside it: <div id="jsDiv"></div> <script> function jsCode() { document.getElementById('jsDiv').innerHTML = 'Whatever you want'; } </script>
Then attach the jsCode() function to your button, and the HTML will only be rendered when the function is called. If you're using server-side scripting (PHP, Rails etc.) or something more complex, look into jQuery and AJAX functions.
-1: Didn't read the question at all. –  Suhosin Apr 26 '13 at 14:01
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