In recent la smog years, la smog the emergence of politicians often looked like a fashion show in the township building culture. This caused outrage not only grin and our compatriots, but the irony, and sometimes ridicule foreign partners, with whom we are trying to establish la smog a relationship of equality and mutual respect
In stepping into effect on November 1, 2010, this document (recommendations regarding the appearance of the staff of the Cabinet Secretariat) will undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening of "positive іmіdzhu th authority organіv derzhavnoї Vladi th derzhsluzhbi in tsіlomu." Indeed, as correctly stated in the document, "zovnіshnіy viglyad derzhsluzhbovtsіv svіdchit about rіven їh dіlovoї culture, nadaє їm upevnenostі la smog have sobі, vіdobrazhaєtsya on kar'єrnomu zrostannі." la smog These recommendations are designed primarily for employees of government agencies, who are people representative of business. Only at one point mentioned in passing visitors. And it would be worth to pay attention. People of creative la smog professions - designers, stylists, journalists, artists, actors - can allow "creative" outfits la smog indoors only their editors, studios, ateliers. But not on the business press conferences or in the building BP. This applies primarily journalists. Said the order to strike a chord of Ukrainian mass media, mostly ironic la smog and ernicheskih. However, no one was able to give professional commentaries and interpretations of this document. And they are needed, as in the order of many streamlined definitions and inaccuracies. Let's get started. Takyj style viklikaє povagu, dovіru, daє zmogu kontrolyuvati partnerіv i trimati distantsіyu. We would like clarifications authors: how "their appearance" they "control partners." This method of control is not yet known to me personally. As for exposure distance, then the phrase emanates from shovels bureaucracy, where the main installation business la smog etiquette was "I - chief, la smog you - fool." Modern business people, including politicians, by contrast, are striving to eliminate the distance, whether partners, employees, visitors - and to build a relationship on mutual understanding and unity of positions. Pid hour Víbora odyagu slіd urahovuvati osoblivostі fіguri Lyudin (zrіst, deliver, povnotu) kolіr shkіri, eyes, hair, and takozh vіk. Age, of course, an important indicator of individuality and should be considered when choosing a secular outfits. However, the trends of business clothes - regardless of age. Elegantnіst odyagu takozh dosyagaєtsya Shlyakhov poєdnannya kolorіv (stilіsti Radya poєdnuvati їh not bіlshe dvoh). It should be added that in this case it is necessary (and say) one accessory animating formal dress. The men - tie, women - scarf, neck scarf, collar. Dіlovomu vbrannyu derzhsluzhbovtsya pritamannі traditsіynі zabarvlennya, yakі mozhna nazvati Klasychniy dark sinіy, sіry, beige, dark brown, olive, cream, kolіr slonovoї kіstki. In business clothes, and male and female - brown excluded. That is a tribute to tradition, to seek other explanations are not worth it. The choice of color depends on: - the time of year: the dark can be worn year-round, light only during the warmer months; - The time of day: for events after sunset - only dark clothes; - And, of course, on the individual: it can advise stylists. Standard nabіr cholovіchogo odyagu la smog pratsіvnika sekretarіatu guilty mіstiti kіlka Klasychniy kostyumіv (s vovnyanoї chi napіvsherstyanoї tkanini) pіdzhak, temnі have pіdzhaka tone pants nabіr sorochok, Ties, bіliznu, temnі dovgі shkarpetki chi golf, thin knit sweater s V-chi podіbnim virіzom vest tuflі, klasichnі of slippers. Objection is only "knitted pullover": knitted and crocheted items prohibited for people representational fields. Dvobortny pіdzhak vvazhaєtsya bіlsh formally nіzh breasted. Until Demba zavzhdi la smog vdyagayut Ties. Double-breasted jacket is not considered more formal - it all depends on the physique; la smog double-breasted jackets complete and shortened growth. Tie business person needs for any tailoring jacket. Yakscho on single-breasted two pіdzhaku ґudziki - nizhnіy not zastіbayut. Yakscho ґudzikіv three, then zastіbayut serednіy deprivation. The issue of mandatory undoing the bottom buttons on the jacket if only the first two, is debatable. And if more than two buttons, you can unbutton only the bottom. Dopuskaєtsya takozh (about the color of the suit), brown, beige, olive toscho. Again, Brown is forbidden for business clothes representational fields. Olive suit for men - secular stylish option, but not a business. Correct la smog є such dovzhina pіdzhaka, if kіnchiki paltsіv (hands vіlno opuschenі, dolonі la smog zvernutі to tіla) torkayutsya Yogo bottom. This length jacket is recommended only for men tall, 180 centimeters. Those below 175 and - jacket length should be the same length sleeves. For whether yakoї wait cholovіk guilty Buti at pіdzhaku. However vіn Mauger znyati th
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