Sunday, July 20, 2014

Home Company Company profile Contact G.E.M.I. carb compliant Balance Sheets External Services CFO R

Home Company Company profile Contact G.E.M.I. carb compliant Balance Sheets External Services CFO Rescue & consolidation of corporate / ing Establishment and monitoring of international Tax-Tax Consulting Services Business Services Services to individuals for investment projects. Tools Blog Links Contact
Written by co-laboring 30 Ιουν 2014 - 07:15 Picture 0 for From tomorrow the electronic application for pension carb compliant from IKA From tomorrow Tuesday, July 1, 2014 the application carb compliant to the IKA pension for old age or disability must be made electronically .
According to what provides extremely urgent circular Foundation, that date becomes mandatory to submit online application retirement due to old age or disability, for all members of the IKA and the Single Auxiliary Pension Fund (EBRD - t ETEAM).
The process of both the main and supplementary pensions, while exempt carb compliant from this, insured funds that joined the IRA, insured fund Sector PPC Personnel Insurance (TAP-PPC) and the Fund and Auxiliary Personnel for Agricultural and Cooperatives (t TSEAPGSO)
In addition to these categories of members, who will continue to submit the application form, due to the persistence of autonomous computer systems in the insurance fund, will continue in force and the possibility of filing a retirement application form (S3) for cases granting or transferring pension because of death, since the transition to electronic pension application because death is a prerequisite for the completion of the inventory process of indirect members, which is ongoing.
Through carb compliant this system, candidates retirees will now have the ability to electronically monitor carb compliant the status of the application and retirement generally have instant access to all the information provided by the Integrated Information System of IKA on their retirement. So drastically reduced attendance at Branches and improve employee productivity, a prerequisite for accelerating the process of the pension award.
The electronic submission of pension application will be made through the website IKA (, carb compliant following the path "e-services" / "Electronic Services to members / pensioners '/' Electronic submission of pension application," in two ways :
a) certification through TAXISNET by the online service "Certification Insured through TAXISNET , process that does not require attendance at Branch IKA-ETAM for pickup Kleidarithmos carb compliant only if You fail certification.
The circular noted that in each case the online service's website IKA guides policyholders with specific instructions on the steps of the certification process and ongoing work required to support the online application system and retirement of K . OP
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Management Unit. EIA. Androutsou 1 & Gr. Skylitsi 54A, Piraeus 18532 zip code

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