Friday, July 4, 2014

Air pollution worldwide nastilky strong, which has long been a serious concern worldwide. More and

The project entitled "Ecology Environment" "Virtual Lab Chemistry Dobrianka TI
Most clearly, she began to emerge as a phenomenon that spread throughout the planet, from the beginning marlborough wiltshire of the 1970s. Development of degradation processes on the planet peredrikavsya long (I century BC - Cicero, tenth century. - Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Especially numerous were reservations about the nature of the degradation of the planet in the second half of the twentieth century, when some local environmental disaster began to grow into global environmental crisis. More than a quarter century ago, 1972, the Club of Rome published a disturbing prediction of human civilization "Limits to Growth", performed by a group of experts led by D.Medouza which predicted dangerous degradation of the environment. During the second half of the twentieth century, many other famous scientists expressed concern about the growing threat to mankind from the consequences of natural - technical progress. marlborough wiltshire Yet all these warnings received little response - ecological crisis environment marlborough wiltshire increased.
The international community was concerned about the environmental situation in the world, is deteriorating. It analyzes the dynamics of global catastrophe that could happen in the twentieth century and lead to the death of all life on Earth.
International background: formal accession of Ukraine to the United Nations Framework document "Agenda XXI century", Ukraine signed several international treaties marlborough wiltshire that oblige the government to lead the country towards its sustainable development. Modernity marlborough wiltshire has set the goal - the formation of perceived problems of security products.
The main danger for mankind is not some environmental catastrophe that would have been their tragic consequences, and the gradual degradation of the environment influenced by seemingly subtle result of industrial activity. They cause such global phenomena as global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, pollution of the planet all the geosphere, forest degradation, accumulation and uncontrolled movement of toxic substances marlborough wiltshire and wastes, desertification, soil erosion, decreasing biodiversity. There are natural and man-made pollution. Natural is the result of natural causes - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, catastrophic marlborough wiltshire floods, fires. Anthropogenic pollution - the result of human activity.
Today, the total capacity of the sources of anthropogenic pollution in many cases exceeds the natural capacity. Natural sources of nitrogen marlborough wiltshire oxide emitting 30 million tons per year, and man-made - 35 - 50 million tons; Sulphur dioxide - respectively 30 and 150 million tons of lead from human activities enters the biosphere is 10 times greater than in the natural contaminants.
A person can live weeks without food nail a few days without water and without air - a few minutes. Given that day average person consumes about 1 kg. food and 2.5 liters. water and 12 kg. air, it is clear that clean air - the most important, the most important consumer product. The more that breathing has always - whether or not the polluted air and poisoned it or clean.
Air pollution worldwide nastilky strong, which has long been a serious concern worldwide. More and more attention to this problem the World Health Organization (WHO). It identified the main sources marlborough wiltshire of pollution, such as:
Air pollution is costly to man and nature. The main damage from contamination until recently considered reducing visibility through the black smoke screen (smog), which often hung over the industrial areas. Today decreased visibility creates significant obstacles trading transportation, especially air transport. However, the quality of sight is not the primary indicator of overall air pollution. Gas and radioactive emissions create much more pollution of the atmosphere marlborough wiltshire without any breach of sight. Yet poor visibility - a sign that the solar energy available to the Earth decreases. This contributes to long-term stagnation of smog (a mixture of mist and smoke particles from mineral, organic and photochemical nature) in the lower atmosphere. Previously, very often saying "smohovu disease", the emergence of which were in direct dependence on the degree of air pollution. Smog absorbs 50% of UV rays and 25% of solar radiation.
The greatest harm to human health - air pollution. Klinikoepidemiolohichni studies indicate a direct relationship morbidity and mortality from air pollution. No mechanism for analyzing the impact of pollutants on the human body, it should be noted that the smoke smog is causing the destruction of the respiratory, lung disease (emphysema, marlborough wiltshire bronchitis, marlborough wiltshire asthma); marlborough wiltshire photochemical smog causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat; nitrogen oxides, readily absorbed by blood, very harmful effect on the lungs and eyes; soot, adsorbing carcinogens in itself, contribute to the development of lung cancer; marlborough wiltshire phenol leads to the composition

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