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Invaded NORWAY: Experts slr alarm that we have a new flttsommer in store. Some places are as much as 70 percent of insect populations infected by the dangerous borreliasmitten. Photo: OLE CH THOMASSEN / Dagbladet
- It has been a painful hell
Unbearable dpf filter pain, interruption of studies and deep debt. One flttbitt the nightmare began for Geir Kristian Bjrneset (25). lesunderen was bitten during dpf filter a hike in 2005. Shortly after it narrowly, it was like my body was burning, dpf filter he said. - It has been a painful hell. The body tilts completely, dpf filter with extreme dpf filter pain in the head, joints and muscles. The back gets stiff stick, and only that g is terrible. You lose complete focus, dpf filter and at times I had insane depression, says Bjrneset Dagbladet. - There are really no words for how intense the pain could be. I have spent the best time of my life to lie in bed and look at the ceiling, says the 25-ring, which was forced to cancel nautikkstudiene by Hyskolen in lesund 2008 p because of the disease. Frst after three ride pain he was diagnosed dpf filter with chronic Lyme disease in a German clinic that specializes in flttbrne diseases. He still undergoing an extremely expensive dpf filter treatment abroad, n by a private physician States, which is not covered by the public sector in Norway. The result is deep debt. - It is absolutely terrible. I have been forced to borrow 300,000 kroner for f the treatment, and still has one year left before I finish. Then I add another row to 150,000. There is a lot of money, southerly for someone who has not had time to get to work, he says. - The worst of all is that I, and many others in the same situation, not fr back money from the public for this treatment, but must pay from your own pocket. Why not? It seems the. This makes me angry, he said. Bjrneset says he is much healthier treatment, dpf filter despite some bad days. He HPER p fully recover and resume studies to autumn. - N I just look forward dpf filter to embark on life again. The big the dream is getting at sea. Better medicine does not exist, he said.
ticks can spread more bacteria - and viral diseases. The disease that router frequently with flttbitt in Norway is Lyme disease. There is no vaccine. The disease is treated with antibiotics. In rare cases, the nervous system, certain joints dpf filter or heart attack. The vaccine is against the far rarer viral disease skogflttencefalitt (TBE) acting along the coast sri country. NRM can oppske doctor? When Borrelia infection before one usually a rash that spreads annular beyond the skin. This may occur ilpet of 3 to 30 days after you have been bitten. If symptoms it is important that you contact your doctor. Contact your doctor if you are also in the post flttbittet more you relax, have a headache or muscle pain. (Source: Public dpf filter Health)
(Dagbladet): The Norwegian population of ticks is becoming larger. Today it is permanently established until the north to Brnnysund and can also be found even further north during periods. Last summer it was extremely much ticks and circuit this summer may soon be similarly warns a Norwegian flttekspert. See rd about how to protect yourself from fltten summer in the fact box below the article. Active ticks - circuit flttsesong be fine for fltten, dpf filter but perhaps not s good for us. I've already found lots of active ticks, s it is already running. The cold winter did not kill alts p fltten. All indications are that there will be a flttrik summer, says flttekspert and researcher Vivian Kjellandshagen by Srlandet hospitals and adds: - It should dpf filter fit all along the coast, dpf filter there are a lot of Borrelia. Kjellandshagen emphasizes that she has compared the circuit flttfunn with what was found on the same time last year. Like early P By Public Health in Norway they do not capture the number of ticks r r but Arnulf dpf filter Soleng, a researcher at the Public Health Institute resuscitation for pest control, dpf filter says that the warm spring we've had probably has got fl tten up. - Fltten is active as long as it is above five degrees. When it is hot as s n s are fltten very active. When they sit on gresstr and see if there are any animals they can suck blood from, he said. Many sick the last ra has the VRT increased incidence of people becoming infected flttbrne diseases. THE CASE figures from the Public Health dpf filter was last year diagnosed 288 new cases of Lyme borreliosis, which among other things can lead to paralysis, major damage to the nervous system, extensive joint problems and at worst dead. Vivian Kjellandshagen submitted last year a doctoral thesis in which she researched the proportion of fltten in Norway spreading the dangerous bacterium Borrelia. On average, she found out that n four ticks spread the infection dpf filter that can lead to serious health problems in humans and animals. dpf filter However, the proportion of fl
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