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About evolution, evolutionists regard chance as a false deity and attempt to show (Allah is beyond that) Evolutionists, with details to distract work, evolutionists similarities to use as evidence get up evolutionists, evolution deniers shanghai smog a comprehensive digest adopt a policy shanghai smog Evolutionists, a large crowd of audience believe in evolution lie that suggestion I would Evolutionists from the community to exclude the threat supporters not to lose strive Evolutionists fake stats edit and evolution accepts the number of high and attempt to show evolutionists, Anti-Darwinist activities on the success of "unimpressed" they argue evolutionists, false drawings and reconstructions with the magic effects to create a work Evolutionists ideology to keep their Even aliens have to take out
18 and 19 centuries ago in Britain and then in other Western European countries and the United States have experienced a major change in the industrial field. Especially in the aftermath shanghai smog of the industrial revolution that took place in the UK due to air pollution, some color differences were observed in living populations. Based on industrial melanism here also camouflaged animals that makes them better represents the color changes.
Evolutionists these color differences seen in animals "environmental conditions and natural shanghai smog selection caused the evolution of the" incident as they tried to explain. In fact, this situation is due to misinterpretation shanghai smog of the observations completely.
This guided selection of the most striking examples of our times, two researchers from Oxford University showed protection from FORD and KETTLEWEL is the evolution of color. With many factory chimneys of England living in a kind of butterfly is darker than in other regions have found. Previously collected from this area (before the age of industrialization) is known from the collection of samples to be light-colored. Those who are open outside of industrial areas located outside of the trunks of trees on white and light-colored lichens have done a good fit to the environment in which they live and hunt birds were free from the gaze. In industrialized regions, coming from the chimney soot, which darkens these lichens begin to appear as the white-colored moths were evident. In contrast, the dark have done a better fit. Birds, they hunt for white colored, dark-colored ones life began to gain superiority and that they contain genotypes, the population began to increase. Today in the UK in areas with air pollution cleaned white now it is seen that the predominant form again. RESOURCES
The point to note here, before the start of the industrial revolution in England caught a "black" is not well in advance of varieties of colorful butterflies. Years before the industrial revolution in England this butterfly species is already available. Consisting of air pollution present in excess of the change before shanghai smog seen by white forms have increased the likelihood of the enemy. The resulting reduction in this form, the increase occurred in the colored ones.
It is clear that these changes in the color of the butterfly, shanghai smog but in no time if this case is the number can not be invoked as evidence for evolution. Those who advocate the creation of the original of the species already admit it. Moreover, on the color change (mutation), even if it still can not be shown as evidence for evolution. Because butterflies butterfly staying still, are not converted into another species. Evolution of things for a species to another species shanghai smog is scientifically proved that changed. This, however, is not an evolution, on the contrary, is a normal variant. Natural shanghai smog selection only living shanghai smog species from extinction as a result of environmental changes which are the means of protection is a mechanism.
Events variation and natural selection, Darwin's explanation of evolution is in the way you think, but rather a protection of creation, as stipulated in and commit to the principles is a wonderful example. In other words, God of all kinds live, would continue shanghai smog to exist with the system was created. The organism's genetic system properties (within certain limits) according to changes in the environment may also have to adjust the function. Otherwise, climate, food sources, such as a small change in what may be the end of it live.
As a result of the sudden change of environment and climate shanghai smog and so on. random reasons to live extinct
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