Sunday, October 12, 2014

* (Has been achieved during the current leaders v. Prt`iu gzuar 2010-2011 New Year 1912 will Usuall

* (Has been achieved during the current leaders v. Prt`iu gzuar 2010-2011 New Year 1912 will Usually at the end of the year is complete counted t achievements, failures, lamtumirs draw- year comparisons, the new calendar year. Compared marta nashville with this q is vitin2010 concludes. setbacks are much larger than t m successes The shnuara. reduced number of nation - deleted for Hatria Serbia, Greece, Macedonia)!
NSE really to decrease marta nashville the nation marta nashville is divided by artificially, for Hatria neighbors, in northern Serbia and Greece in the south, such action would m tepr than was scandalous! In that is the lam after a series of events characterize the political, diplomatic, but no economic developments. Little or no s`pritet New Year with optimism. Defects, minuses and negative ant to life for citizens in national space are alarming. T news before year-end for the censuses are surprising as in Kosovo, in Albania as m sorry. Starting from state am, because there dshmoj registration drastic reduction to 7.7 percent for birth! Census artificially reduced the nation in two pjeste Albanides t! N Sardar dshmojn also registering for a drastic reduction to birth. Prt Albanian population Kosovspr which neighboring Serbia, (the birth rate above), br decades to hell in the eye! Serbian marta nashville MP R. Trajkovic, Albanian women had called Lars machines washing machine! But Serbian political circles, marta nashville the matter of the Albanian birthrate never s`e politiks hoqn by order of Albano-fobiste-day Serbian chauvinist! Now, for allegedly artificial reduction in number also residents of Kosovo, Serbia for Hatria, in Albania to Greece, Macedonia and n p for the sake of the Macedonians! marta nashville This is scandal! Birth rate the movement of a people usually top-down for several reasons. The main reason is economic stagnation, high rate unemployment, problems wrong emdha and social policy, privatization and lnia in employees' best streets, not achievement of employment to generations t beam with superior education movements; immigration, emigration and migration marta nashville to population, family planning bourgeois culture, 10-year war in the peninsula, because iprpjekjes for creating Serbia's largest, are among Main causes the destruction to the economy, with the birth rnia. Unprincipled policy against diaspors, t Distribution population during the last and the beginning luftss called to transfer from one system to the system in other hand. The Albanian people would Registration number ma ket great t t bot NPR population than in the peninsula, Keri, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia nn pjeste minority people , Black Mountain t, Greece. Roadmap towards the Albanian people is going gjurmve to the Irish people, marta nashville two centuries ago. Irish as a nation and people, I live NPR bot more than in Ireland. This is happening even Albanians in the Balkans. No major faults are those which were emphasized m t up, such as the liberation of Kosovo War. Large a portion of t blame bears no developmental policies, rampant marta nashville democracy, imitation factor to foreign cultural influence in order for banal iprqafuar euphoric from the West, planning family, delays in marriage, youth divisions emdha still better without kurorzuar! T Do not Prepare for family creation, minimum conditions marta nashville for jets, birth and creation to the family. January marta nashville qensore marta nashville factors, have contributed to CILT in reducing the birth rate. N although the socialist system in conditions, circumstances marta nashville and hermetic closure fertility rate was ndrm t laritin in the world. Population increased marta nashville as rabbits NPR thorns, fields and mountains! Perhaps the proliferation of active population, not NPR Bheja hall combines, agricultural and livestock cooperatives, no joke, but had continued to rise to a birth compared with mortality. marta nashville Moshs average in Albania reached 70 to 80, current proof of mortality. With a change in the rural areas to urban ones. So moshs jet-extension of 80-years marta nashville edshmon kt. With no citizens in three Albandiave marta nashville other hand, Diaspors, t n Luginne remnants Eastern nn Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, etc., and entry t`ugzohen Krshndellave n New Year, 2012, entry in the 100th anniversary of Independence t Shqipris London !? It is said that when something enters the full and dry, but appears to be reduced and Waterfowl Habitat, man turns contemplative Teenage Dream n! Vall is why this happens 11-12 minutes during moments t t harlisjes !? This s`sht any imagjinat prvuajtjesh n ase gzim, then suffering, challenges and hidhrimeve. But Fukarallku brings suffering and love idyll! NSE m a portion of our nation to have my 8 dollar annual revenues, it silhouettes gnjeshtre governments, comes to jet-m more than fantasy masquerade! What is it mean when half of the population lives in extreme poverty to social assistance? When my 170 retiree to three categories in Kosovo, attain; 45, 60, and a portion marta nashville of their 80 euro depreciated marta nashville to 3 times, the entry in force ev

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