Tuesday, October 21, 2014

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Good cholesterol reduces the risk of colon cancer | Keshilla.NET
Results of a new study published in the journal "Gut" and based on data from 1,238 patients with cancer of the colon koleserolit high concentration ar poluido of so-called good (HDL) in the blood can lead to a reduction of risk for filing of colon cancer, Dutch researchers say.
Even before it was known how the concentration of cholesterol reducing so-called "bad" (LDL), in combination with increasing ar poluido the concentration of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood, reducing the risk associated with the introduction of heart disease.
In this case it is seen that the participants in the study with the highest concentration of HDL cholesterol in the blood, were least at risk of colon cancer, regardless of the presence of the markers that indicate the presence of other risk factors ( inflammatory processes, resistance to insulin, free radicals).
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