Friday, March 7, 2014

As reducing agent in an SCR system, diesel soot particles, hydrocarbons, ammonia and urea are under

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Play low temperatures and efficiency due to its advantages such as SCR is the most preferred method. carbon trade Emisyonlarnn carbon trade constant supply of SCR technology for the reduction of kullanlmaktad to baaryl since 1980. Be called selective NOx reducing substances (soot, hydrocarbons, ammonia and urea) of the catalytic reduction carbon trade reaction, reducing agent, more preferably by reaction with oxygen is olmasndand.
Usually metal oxides as a catalyst in an SCR system (for example, vanadium), the metal ion of a zeolite vary (for example Cu-ZSM5), and noble metal based catalysts (eg Pd-Al2O3) is kullanlmaktad .
Kullanlarak acceptable reducing agent without catalyst NOx reduction, but substantially in the range 800-900 C temperatures which gerçekleirk, the reducing agent in the NOx catalyst The reaction between carbon trade kullanldn 150 - 550 C is in the range of implements.
As reducing agent in an SCR system, diesel soot particles, hydrocarbons, ammonia and urea are under way kullanlarak NOx reduction. Applications carbon trade of SCR technology as the currently commercially only urea / amaonyak carbon trade yardml selective catalytic reduction carbon trade (NH3-SCR) catalysts are kullanlmaktad. This technology is currently the most European manufacturers of heavy-duty diesel trucks and buses gelmit hand is becoming a preferred technology. In America, both light-duty and heavy-duty duty diesel emissions come from manufacturers all over the standartlarnn taste karlanmas has a widespread use. Even a light duty diesel carbon trade vehicle manufacturers SCR systems in future carbon trade production from several imdi
Advantages compared to other systems of the SCR catalyst sides to play one of the gene can be in the range of temperatures. SCR systems, 200-600 º C can work actively. imdi the SCR systems for NOx reduction of over 90% in steady state artlarn can successfully.
The main drawback of this system, however, is quite charset duymasd a control system requirements. Increased very variable in the mobile application in diesel engines is well-placed. The control system varies continuously to suit the playback artlarn injected amount of reducing agent is ayarlamald. The activity of the SCR catalyst, the oxidation catalyst placed by suitable pre may artrl greatly.
Source: Aladdin and Osman Osman Emirol Eldoan'n carbon trade "Lean Combustion in excess of oxygen in gasoline carbon trade engines and diesel engines with Selective Catalytic box furnaces with nitrogen oxides to hydrocarbon (HC-SCR)" carbon trade (10th International Combustion Symposium, Istanbul, 9-10 October 2008) is the article on the derlenmit.
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