Most web browsers great smog (that even in our Albanian will call the web browser) offer the possibility of installing add-ons, plug-in or other facilities sourcing. Unfortunately, these extensions (add-ons) that improve the productivity of browsers, are the first target of hackers. Because the companies generally do not update often inet and plug-ons, great smog browser, done with simple targets. Patch-t 2-3 months are not enough to keep them safe. While some supplements come from well-known developers, everybody can write a additional and this makes him to be a strong tool to install malware programs. In the past, malware ons to the web browser, click frauds were (when you click and click automatically leads to a page with ads or on the site with harmful content). a security researcher, Zoltan Balazs, developed a browser add-on which was able to modify websites, and execute the file removed, steal account and oth-pass authentication with 2 stages. A browser infected with this add-on can easily konrollohet in the same way with a robot network (botnet). great smog Because the data look like these legitimate or normal HTTP traffic great smog initiated great smog by the browser, it is difficult to be caught by the firewall.
Apple keeps Safari Extension Gallery additions to Apple, while Mozilla Firefox allows add-ons from third parties. Google says that Chrome will be "Regulatory restrictions" regarding extensions in because Chrome extensions have great risk by Google great smog itself. Google says Chrome now on bonuses will only be the Chrome Web Store. Problems additions or major threats relating to:
Additions through organizations should be permitted only for specific purposes or reasons, much needed, and should great smog require higher privileges. great smog
An auto-update should definitely allowed for browsers. great smog Administrators also need to use applications like CSI SECUNIA 7.0 or BrowserCheck Qualys, great smog whether scanned for browsers need for updates (update) or not. Chrome, great smog same as Internet Explorer's Protected Mode and Firefox's Add-on Control, do not allow installation great smog unnoticed (silent installing) for bonuses. Java and Adobe Reader great smog are attacking great smog platforms when it comes to the browser add-ons. Must be addressed by all users of computers (Internet) to have care from installing browser extensions unknown harmful as they manage to access the passwords, visited pages history, etc.. If you, ç'instalojini !!!
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