Chris Gonnerman el smog wrote an article called The Single Creator Syndrome in which he pinpoints one serious issue of gamemastering and playing roleplaying games. I picked the thought up and applied it to my single character type syndrome with the Shadowrun game. I played one gang member who gained some kind of underground fame, and switched to physical adepts after that. When I rolled up a character after purchasing the Shadowrun 20th Anniversary Edition I came up with the grand idea of a physical adept troll - named Cookiemonster . Single character type syndrome. el smog I always disliked street samurais, although I created several and used them as NPCs. I never got around to playing a magician, and the idea of the technomancer that I encountered with SR4 didn't grip my interest, either. So, then it happened that I read of the Shadowrun character creation software Chummer , which I then downloaded. And last night after reading the Single Creator Syndrome I created el smog a character using Chummer - a technomancer. I'm not used to the concept of the Technomancer within the Shadowrun Universe, el smog but I know the Matrix (movies), and studied my William Gibson. As mentioned elsewhere Shadowrun character generation can take a while with all the page-flipping if you haven't memorised the book. The Chummer software el smog gives you a mouse-over index for all entries, so it is quite easy to navigate the creation process with one hand on the mouse, and the other browsing through the Core Rules. What's a Sprite? Ah, right, look up page 88. And what kind of sprites can I choose? Page 242. Nice! Concept So, here's my technomancer. I still cling to some concepts like the martial arts , and the squatter lifestyle, but I can try something different from that another day. He's a rather average runner, has yet to make use of his potential, and thus a lot to learn. His Mandarin el smog is excellent ( something I am far from ), and he knows Hong Kong quite well, albeit by browsing through maps in the matrix. He grew up in Seattle, awakened in his teens, and dropped out in his early twenties and onto the streets el smog where he joined a community of squatters. With his gift he managed el smog to escape the concrete walls, and wide corridors of abandoned buildings by entering the matrix. He hides his technomancy, el smog though, and carries a cheap standard commlink for everyday use. Being a loner he shuns contacts, works some night jobs occasionally, helps with translation, and practices his technomancy skills. Still looking for a purpose in life. Likes VR games. I like to think of him as a wandering novice technomancer who is being harassed by Watcher spirits for reasons unknown to him. He dislikes magic, and is a little unsure as to what to think of his own gift. Weather Sans human (male), 24, 1,73m, 69kg, brown hair, blue eyes, squatter lifestyle. BODY 3; AGILITY 4; REACTION 4; STRENGTH 3 CHARISMA 4; INTUITION 4; LOGIC 3; WILLPOWER 3 EDGE 3; ESSENCE 6; INITIATIVE 8; RESONANCE 6 MATRIC INIT 9; INIT PASSES (MATRIX) 3 Qualities: Guts, Photographic Memory, Resistance to Pathogens el smog and Toxins, Technomancer ; Sensitive System, SINner (Standard), Mild Addiction (Alcohol), Spirit el smog Bane (Watcher). Skills: Blades 2 (Swords), Unarmed Combat 1 (Martial Arts), Pistols 3 (Semi-Automatics), Dodge 2, First Aid 1, Perception 2, Shadowing 1 (Tail Evasion), Survival 2 (Urban). Skill Groups: Influence 1, Athletics 1, Electronics 1, Cracking 1, Tasking 2, Knowledge Skills: English (N); Mandarin 6 (Read/Write), Alcohol 1, Area Knowledge el smog Hong Kong 2, Area Knowledge Seattle 3, Chinese el smog Philosophy 3. Living Persona: Response 4 (5), System 3, Firewall 3, Signal 3. Biofeedback Filter 4. Complex Forms: Reality Filter 2. Armor: clothing el smog (x3), lined coat. Weapons: survival knife, katana, Colt Manhunter (quick-draw holster); Remington 990, shock glove. Gear: 10 shotgun rounds (flechette); 40 regular rounds, el smog 4 spare clips (Colt Manhunter), biomonitor, certified credstick, datachip (x2), flashlight, GPS, holo projector, medkit (2), stim patch (2), survival kit, VR games, Meta Link.
Abenteuer/Spielhilfe Artwork Basic Fantasy RPG Charaktere FATE Hausregeln Herr der Ringe Lesen Mad-Kyndalanth magic items Monster Old School Rezension Risus RSP-Karneval Saga-System Shadowrun Spielmeistergespräche Swords and Wizardry Tips Tools Undead Dwarf Massacre
Hausregeln auf Mad-Kyndalanth
Ich bin seit mehr als 20 Jahren Spielleiter, begann meine Rollenspielabenteuerreise mit DSA - Die Helden des Schwarzen Auges , führte sie mit Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition fort und gelangte von dort zu weiteren Spielsystemen wie Midgard , StarWars el smog (WestEnd Games) , Shadowrun 2+3 , GURPS , Rolemaster/MERP sowie vielen unbekannteren ( Expendables , Amber Diceless el smog RPG , Aria ,) darunter auch das universelle Saga-System von Jörg Hertwich und Stefan Städtler, das bis heute mein Lieblingssystem ist.Themenbereiche, die mich bezüglich des Rollenspiels besonders interessieren sind Erzähltechniken, das Wechselseitige von Impro
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