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26 signs that you live in Donetsk in the summer of 2014 Ukrainian army is ready to destroy the terrorists if they do not lay down their arms - Koval Ukraine is ready for the long game, in practice, showing that living in a free country better "Ukrainian oligarchs have fulfilled its historical mission" - Fear and Loathing scientist emission test in the "New Russia" Poroshenko delayed ATO: Ukraine joined the EU ultimatum About fashistske korіnnya rosіyskogo єvrazіystva emission test Become emission test Israel Overview blogosphere from UAINFO. June 27, 2014 A selection emission test of anecdotes from UAINFO for June 27
06/27/2014 21:42 Blogolenta trouble with which we live (Blog don-katalan) 27.06.2014 21:03 UN settlers in the Crimea will not receive refugee status. emission test Crimea - not Russia (oleg-leusenko) 27.06.2014 emission test 17:40 Pozitsіya slabkostі zmushuє to peregovorіv s RF (Espreso.TV) 27.06.2014 17:40 Scho planuє emission test Kremlin (Espreso.TV) 27.06.2014 emission test 17:36 Prospectus on which houses the Russian Embassy, can be named Bandera! (Kotovskі Partizani)
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KRYMVASH. Rejoice, the Russians!
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28.06.2014 17:40 Video demolition of the monument to Lenin in Dnepropetrovsk
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The whole truth of the blogosphere News blogosphere" emission test of Putin can be produced everywhere but in Russia they can become presidents - Ordzhonikidze emission test Putins can be produced everywhere but in Russia they can become presidents - Ordzhonikidze
The world is hard to understand one simple thing - Vladimir Putin, not just a rascal, and a person is seriously ill and sick he complete atrophy of moral imperatives and any ideas about good and evil. Such people are born everywhere, but in normal countries they work best flea clerks in some offices, gray, notorious, resentful of fate, possibly manic dreams and seeing himself commanders, leaders and rulers - that affect the fate of the world. Fishing season can be produced everywhere but in Russia they can become presidents. Putin - a collective "I" 70% of Russians, otherwise he would not have any demand, even more so - to read. Known two curses Russia - fools and roads I have added two more - and oil space. These two factors inspire any Russian lumpen unwarranted, false notions of the nation a sense of grandeur, emission test when the latter is by the way, is not - as far as landscaped lives of citizens of the country or the high level of education, as measured by purely quantitative indicators and kilometers extensive borders .
The irony and tragedy of Russian history of the last century is that Russia emission test in the civilized world - the only country able to sell dreams like individuals, with their deeply embedded complexes and hatred for all - which is better, emission test brighter and more talented than they are, it is the only country - not afraid to entrust their fate to a random person suffering from an incurable disease.
From 1918 to the present day Russia became a worldwide refuge emission test of scoundrels, vypestovyvaya with a zeal worthy of a better cattle cult, moral plebs with marginal underclass with
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