Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Men should be advised that they are in danger - science becomes criminal ... Albert Einstein Betwee

Men should be advised that they are in danger - science becomes criminal ... Albert Einstein Between this warning 'and' finding the next - is the bottom line. HELL is the OTHER ... Jean Paul Sartre As for too many! 'Septic' paralyzing any approach 'liberating' - remember that the little I sais_ it's my ignorance I owe .. .
Essential element of social control, the strategy of diversion is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by the political and economic hegemony, sard verbinnen & co through continual flood of distractions and trivial information. The strategy of diversion prevents the audience to focus on the essential knowledge in the fields of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics. "Keeping public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated sard verbinnen & co by matters of no real importance Keeping busy public busy, busy, no time to think;. Back to the farm with the other animals." sard verbinnen & co (Excerpt sard verbinnen & co from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars).
Thus, in 1990, to prevent that, particularly, African people can not follow the example of the German people who had destroyed sard verbinnen & co his bare hands the Berlin sard verbinnen & co Wall (1989); act that ended 47 years of Cold War, although concerted hegemonic Powers North invented the Sovereign National Conference, with the key charismatic leaders, leaders of false oppositions. Dictators who have played the game, were resettled in power (Kerekou, Sassou, ...) .Tandis those who dragged their feet had to flee (Mobutu Bedie, ...) .And these Leaders are in fact only medalists leaders to serve their masters, black masks, capita committed to facilitating access to vile price, transnational strategic natural resources of Africa. The Congolese people that grew right to defend the positions of the radical opposition sard verbinnen & co is harshly punished by two successive wars of aggression (1996.1998), almost four million innocent sard verbinnen & co deaths.
Create problems and then offer solutions: This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". We first create a problem, a "situation" expected to generate some public reaction so that it is itself applicant measures we wish him to accept. For example: let it develop violence, organize bloody attacks, sard verbinnen & co aggression, genocide of innocent civilians sard verbinnen & co and unarmed sard verbinnen & co in order that the public is requesting security laws at the expense of freedom. Or: create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil the decline of social rights and the dismantling of public services.
To accept an unacceptable extent, simply apply it gradually, "degraded" over a period of 10 years. sard verbinnen & co It is in this way that the socio-economic conditions radically new were imposed in the years 1980 to 1990. Rigor, less government, massive invasion of stateless, massive unemployment, insecurity, flexibility, relocation, ensuring wages plus a decent income, so many changes that would have caused a revolution if they had been applied suddenly.
Another way to accept an unpopular sard verbinnen & co decision is to present it as "painful but necessary", obtaining the consent sard verbinnen & co of the public in this for application in the future. It is always easier to accept a future sacrifice an immediate sacrifice. First, because the effort is not to provide immediately. Secondly, because the public still tends to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" sard verbinnen & co and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. Finally, it allows time for the public to get used to the idea of change and accept it with resignation when the time comes. A recent example: the transition to the Euro and the loss of monetary and economic sovereignty have been accepted by the European countries in 1994-95 sard verbinnen & co for an application in 2001. Another example of multilateral agreements FTAA that the US imposed in 2001 the countries of the American continent, however reluctant, conceding a deferred application to 2005.
We address the public as to small children. Most advertisements for the general public using speech, arguments, characters, and a particularly infantilizing tone, often close to the debilitating, as if the viewer was a young child or a mentally handicapped. A typical example of national reconciliation with the executioners of the people. The more we seek to deceive the viewer, the more to adopt a

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