Wednesday, April 2, 2014

And then the

Prime Minister Enrico Letta resign tomorrow resigned as head of government. Then the parliament will vote a new national smog check santa monica executive led by Matteo Renzi. And 'as decided by the Democratic Party in the last hours after a few days of tension smog check santa monica and contradictions.
Senator George parmesan Pagliari has assured his support to the future government. After the intervention of Renzi over the leadership of the Democratic Party this afternoon, Senator George Pagliari said: "The die is cast. Posterity will judge. Sincere thanks to Enrico Letta, smog check santa monica who managed one of the most difficult stages of the history of the Republic. smog check santa monica and perhaps this is one of the reasons for the stall too strong in the final stage. Congratulations to Matteo Renzi for a very complicated and complex adventure. They will, in fact, central measures in the field of labor, tax breaks, families and work and all the other socio-economic measures necessary also to avoid the disappearance of social cohesion. I look back and I will give my contribution with the same loyalty which I gave to Read in my humble role of parliamentary ".
Pagliari Renzi: "Do not try abboccamenti between the Democratic Party and the Cricket" Pagliari: "At primary I will vote Renzi, even if it is not the miracle man" smog check santa monica Delinquencies innocent. Senate approves two OdG against evictions The Milleproroghe entrusted to Pagliari. The Superintendent thanked
I grew up with the illusory idea that the "left" was the place of rights, the environment, the claims, the weak, the labor of listening minorities. Ancient times, inaccessible places, to values expressed two thousand years ago, but still alive, which indicated the road, without hesitation. It certainly did not look right. So I always direct the pencil urn to some beaches, convinced smog check santa monica to support the good of Italy. Today I have to conclude that I was wrong. Now that the left has turned into a lobby dedicated to profit, now that supports, maintains and supervises the incinerators, silenced minorities, inciucia with the right to sunlight and without any shame, says biomass plants, it is an ever-hungry smog check santa monica I pay armchairs, benefits, gratuities, power. Today that they are not that caste differences and also boasts dell'occhiolino printing friend, ready to forgive and scale, to pacify and confuse, to retain the last frayed drone. You have to take note, put your heart at peace. There is no future for the left, dragged to the center of a thousand interests that are not those of citizens, and resemble more and more choices for power and profit. The continuous zigzag without a stated goal seems to be the figure of this present. The new one is a gray lapping, same ingredients, recipe slightly modified, the same indigestible smog check santa monica mess. Misused of words that had meaning and are now empty slogans smog check santa monica that no longer believes. A large staging, smog check santa monica meanly shown to the crowd, groped for yet another robbery. In all of the havoc spread to collect pieces of what remains, regardless of the ongoing tragedy, like jackals of democracy on the hunt for money. Even the sudden abandonment of a president, as if it was a waste for recycling, order party inside a party with contemptuous disregard for the Allies, confirms the reasoning. Evoke them in Parliament? Never. Have we not seen action since capobastone? This left, rather than left, left.
That the Constitution was reduced to only "paper" we knew a long time ago, article by article, word for word. Article 1, which speaks of Labour (and draw a veil more 'compassionate), 2:03 to discussing equal dignity' social, and that '- clearly and without appeal - impossible in a society' divided into classes, all 'Article 11 of the war, disguised as a mission of peace and that gives the country involved and complicit in numerous imperialist missions; Article 34 on free public school, a false from the point of view of possibility' of access and costs, which always smog check santa monica make it a school class. In many, many others: ink, and especially the blood of many brave, throw them ', stuff to shout about revenge.
And then the "tears" of President Napolitano, and that is' smog check santa monica made guardian of unholy pacts signed with the European Union, are daily bread. But should he be the guarantor of the Constitution, while, after having been sworn for a second term, appoint a minister to change it as' soon and not a day goes by where you do not remember the urgency of "reforms" (in the sense that anything progressive, of course) and changes to the charter. His utterances "picconatrici" on issues not within its jurisdiction (Article 18 in particular) have in fact transformed smog check santa monica our country the

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